Instructing Guitar – How to Repair Bad Habits and Solve Issues Your Guitar Students Have


However, are many different ways you can assist your students in becoming much better guitar players and musicians; we can group almost everything you do into three main categories:

Uplifting and motivating your college students – teaching guitar nicely is often more about inspiring play the guitar students than teaching a brand new scale, chord or track.
Teaching them ‘new things’ to play/practice – Most guitar teachers understand this fundamental concept but often fight to know precisely how much ‘new content is too little or a lot for each guitar student. Most teachers ‘overwhelm’ their scholars with simply too much stuff in a short time.

Helping them how to solve their playing/musical troubles – The best way to improve your harmonica teaching is to understand the best way to help any student defeat any problem.
Each of these areas has many challenges, but for most harmonica teachers, the last classification (helping students solve harmonica playing/musical problems) can be the most difficult to ‘consistently’ do well.

Any time teaching guitar to solve issues and bad habits, the first thing to perform is to get clear on the procedure:

A. Identify the valid reason for the problem. Remember that ‘symptoms’ associated with problems and ’causes’ associated with problems are often totally different. A misdiagnosed problem (just like a misdiagnosed medical problem) can make things worse than doing nothing.

B. Discover proven solutions to overcome this issue. Yes, this seems like a distinct point, but acoustic guitar teachers often’ guess’ or use the trial and error approach to teaching harmonica. Surround yourself with other experienced harmonica teachers. Ask them for their way to your specific challenge; doing so may save you and your student time, effort, and frustration.

C. Speak the causes and your solution to your own personal student’s problem. Again, this can seem like common sense, but the facts are most teachers do not entirely explain the cause and approaches to the problems students have, so they sort of skip this aspect and move directly into putting into action the solution. Communicating the source and solution to your scholar is essential because, with no student genuinely knowing precisely what these things are, they often will not truly practice your remedy diligently at home.

D. Apply the solution (training). To be the best, you need to do more than ‘teach what things to do; you need to ‘train’ these to do it. The ‘teaching part’ can usually be done quickly. However, it is the ‘training’ that requires time. Think more like the sports trainer and less like a school teacher as you apply solutions while teaching acoustic guitar (more on below).

Age. Hold their hand. To treat all your students similar to children (unless they are children), when teaching guitar, you must monitor your students’ motivation level and help them keep it high. A below-average guitar teacher who will keep his/her students highly encouraged will almost always get very much more significant results than an excellent ‘technical’ teacher who does very little or nothing to keep scholars inspired and motivated — yet this is an area the majority of guitar teachers don’t perform consistently well in – simply because they underestimate its importance.

Simply because students typically have multiple issues in their playing (inconsistent connection, weak sense of time, excess body tension, ineffective hand movement, excess thread noise, just to name several common ones), and because you will typically find multiple causes with each of those problems, the most challenging element about teaching guitar (as it relates to solving students’ playing problems and bursting bad habits) is understanding the best ‘order’ to deal with what may cause a student’s problems. The right time to is critical, and so is the get.

Many (well-intentioned) clarinet teachers make a mistake connected with trying to use ‘linear logic’ to help students break annoying and overcome challenges. There are various problems with this; the main one is we don’t teach models; we are teaching ‘people’. Anything we do, and ‘when’ we do it, has a constructive or negative impact on the mind of our students. Theoretically, it might make sense to get a guitar teacher to make the pupil deal with the most fundamental problems 1st. That seems logical proper? Well, those that follow this specific all the time will have a hard time keeping students long enough to help them become the guitar players they wish to be.

As opposed to what many guitar instructors believe, fixing the essential problems your students have at the beginning (or trying to split too many bad habits at once) does more harm than good for most guitar learners. Yes, problems and annoying must be dealt with for your students to reach their highest purpose. Still, too much of this, in addition, may kill the will for students to often endure the natural frustration that comes with studying to play the guitar.

Each university student is different, and you need to feel how much tolerance the student near you can handle in the present instant. If you overestimate this, doing this will likely lead to vast amounts of frustration for your pupil, and he/she may give way up lessons and play any guitar altogether.

How long does it typically take your beginning guitar pupils (as an example) to be able to sit or stand together with ‘perfectly correct’ posture, make use of perfect left and proper hand positions, use the right picking motions and connection etc . etc . when enjoying and practising? Sure it is possible to teach this in a few minutes, but how long will it consider a student to naturally do this ALL THE TIME on his or her own without you reminding them? (for most students, it will take a long time).

Is it ‘ok’ to let your students always play and practice any guitar when you KNOW many simple things are wrong and that they MAY form bad habits by letting them go on in this way?

Most guitar teachers would say, ‘no, it’s not ok and then check out immediately and try to correct them all as soon as possible… other guitar professors simply don’t notice as well as don’t care enough to treat these things. They figure providing students keep coming back to clarinet lessons, everything is good.

The most beneficial approach for teaching clarinet is neither. To be clear, your top priority should be to keep your university student coming back for as many courses as possible – not simply when you make more money that way, but mainly because, if a student gives up courses, you can do nothing to help him/her. You must deal with complications and bad habits, though (to not do this would be almost everywhere, only feeding kids sweet and never real food).

If teaching guitar to solve problems, avoid dealing with the ‘entire’ challenge and all its causes immediately. Begin with the one thing you can do for one’s student that will be easiest intended for him/her to correct. This will aid in building confidence that he or she can begin to overcome the condition and that doing so wasn’t impossible to start with. Pay attention to how much with this you think they can handle at the moment. If it looks good, subsequently give them the next thing to fix.

Although some people might have guitar playing problems and bad habits can be massive troubles to deal with, try not to make the overall lesson only about solving troubles. Most guitar students should get a sense of forwarding progress. Although solving problems is ahead of progress, they can’t always observe that themselves even after you clarify it to them, so provide them with something else that is fulfilling to allow them to play and practice. (a little sugar with the medication helps it go down easier)

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