The latest Hospitality Scenario: Competition, Upswing, and Marketing


The global hospitality industry is certainly not kind. For a very long time, there is next to no innovation in this field, but the arrival connected with technology-fueled on-demand economy features dramatically changed that. Airbnb’s appearance on the scene seemed to be an indicator of this adjustment, along with the rise of store hotels. Soon, even regular restaurant chains began experimentation, growing, acquiring the final results, and innovating intensely.

This gives to the current hospitality scenario. While it continues to be a brutal, persistent, and fiercely competitive marketplace, the path to success is already multifaceted. There isn’t one health supplement that applies to all in addition to hotels no longer having to become a member of hard and fast rules. Technology represents the role of a huge equalizer, giving even the most basic player a fighting possible opportunity to survive.


Around the world, often the travel, tourism, and food sectors remain a key to economic development and career creation. In this economy where transfer has become more affordable and region borders are blurring, it truly is fair to assume that travelling and tourism will remain any dominant sector for the around, and far, future.

Consider these stats:

*In 2016, Travel and also Tourism contributed US$7. 6th trillion to the global overall economy and supported 292 thousand jobs.
*This revenue creation comprises 10. 2 % of the world’s GDP.
*A single in 10 of all careers can be attributed to the Traveling & Tourism Industry.
*From 77 per cent, leisure takes a trip made up a chunk of peoples’ spending. In comparison, corporate in addition to business travel accounted through out 23 per cent.
*Domestic take a trip (at 72 per cent) was higher than international take a trip.
*The entire contribution to the GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT was boosted by three or more. 1% in 2016.
*By means of 2027, this sector may well account for 11. 4 per cent of the global GDP and can support more than 380 mil jobs globally. Of course, this means that this sector will outshine the global economy.

There is small doubt that companies similar to Airbnb are competing head-to-head with hotels in certain portions of the market. This implies a part of the business may be preservative, as travellers are taking far more trips (and longer versions, too) than they would devoid of the option. However, what is important is private accommodations have transformed consumer expectations on a requisite level, by redefining precisely what and where a hotel is usually.


The competition in the food industry is a result of two features:

*Technological adaptation
*Changing buyer profile

Technological Adaptation

Similar to what I said before, engineering has levelled participation in the field and contributed to numerous facets of the industry, including printing, communication, and outreach. Especially, three particular trends tend to be

going to reshape the food industry in the coming many years. Let’s look at each of them individually.

A Mobile-First Strategy

In emerging markets all over the world, 1 billion people are likely to come online globally. Many of these will be customers who will encounter their entire guest lifecycle on their smartphones. Hospitality, as well as travel companies, have no choice but to purchase mobile-friendly and mobile-first guest engagement and preservation strategies.

In any case, customers are usually looking for that ‘personalized’ encounter and leveraging innovative cellular tech the way Airbnb, as well as Uber, have will be crucial when it comes to brand differentiation as well as experience. Hotels will have to provide booking functionalities, lightning-quick operations, and other touchpoints for the complete customer journey on mobile phone devices for the convenience of their consumers.


With internet access growing to be nearly limitless to digital natives and nonnatives the same, connectivity is only poised to enhance. Besides, with the proliferation involving connected devices and wearables in the market, hotels will have to obtain innovation when it comes to new ways associated with interacting and engaging with the customer. Virtual reality tours, increased reality interactions, robotics, as well as AI will drive the marketplace and poise it with regard to yet other travel experiences that can be vicariously delivered.

Unit Learning, Big Data along with Analytics

Tapping into big files allows for the creation along with curation of an extensively personal experience for every type of client. A lot of marketing campaigns can be leveraged seamlessly and monitored preserving tangible numbers in mind intended for growth and further optimization.

This also speeds up existing processes similar to customer service, feedback collection, electronic mail automation, and customer proposal. Furthermore, it can also facilitate upscaling and downsizing the business as outlined by company goals.

Changing client profiles and brand encounter

The tourism industry is actually witnessing a change in the psychographic and demographic profiles associated with travellers. Along with Gen By travellers, there’s a fresh increase of millennials, whose anticipation and lifestyle are establishing completely different standards for business performance.

Customer experience happens to be the most dominant brand differentiator. It will also drive customer devotion and referrals and resorts will be needed to synthesize much more targeted, personalized, and complicated loyalty schemes than ever before.

This kind of personalization and differentiation likewise extends to the kinds of experiences that you create. The ‘home away from home’ concept gets rid of the homogenization of extravagance, which was the tried and tested paradigm earlier.

Now, to provide unrivalled service, rooting the lodge in its local climate while also giving experiences above the conventional hotel space, has grown to be an important factor. The millennial regarding organic food and sustainable possibilities also creates more weaknesses when it comes to risks and meals safety, which needs to be supervised by hotel owners.

Journey brands have also been left behind through non-travel brands which have relaxing treatments for the customers by providing heightened amounts of service. Amazon, Starbucks, as well as Uber are a few names that millennials hold in higher regard, and competition will simply intensify as customers start to expect the same out of every company, especially the hospitality business player.


This offers the last point — marketing for this new-age client. Hospitality sales, as it is, differ from other consumer goods. For the reason that both the tangible and the intangible products have to be sold with the player. Success, then, depends more on providing marketing ‘services’ rather than simply prodding the client into buying what you aren’t offering. It’s important to create the correct brand image that induces trust, and furthermore, conversions.

Standardized brand identity also turns into more important as customers include several fronts on which they will engage your brand. Your personal active presence on web 2 . 0 becomes very important as a site for customer engagement.

Consumers can also research and examine you better thanks to portals just like TripAdvisor and Yelp. Evaluations and recommendations of a good friend or an influencer abruptly become very important determinants regarding growth in sales. Besides providing a stable revenue stream, repeat customers can become influencers in their own right.

Utilizing all the tools and systems that come with digital marketing isn’t just the need of the hour, it truly is much cheaper and fine-tuned to be able to customer preferences. Email and also content marketing are now thoroughly tied in with SEO, and also brand visibility over the web. Most of these marketing efforts enter into carefully creating, curating, and also maintaining brand identity in addition to the image. Continuously engaging the customers can use with new-age best advertising and marketing practices, in addition to supplying an important experience will be what goes above and beyond your competition.

The segment is extremely profitable at this point and is particularly poised for immense growth and favourable amounts of expenditure. If you’re an existing player who is not performing very well, or a completely new player looking to make a major dent in the industry, keeping these points in mind will give you a major advantage over your competition.

Read also: What should Marketing Make You?