Figma Mobile App interesting reviews, analysis, and more


Figma Mobile App is a cloud-based UI integration and prototyping platform that helps various teams to work on designing, testing, and delivering interfaces or product designs. To read more about it click here.

 Apps include release history, project management, commentary, user-based permissions, plugin development, and single sign-on (SSO).

The framework enables designers to prepare designs using vector networks, pens, and arc software, allowing them to create pie charts, watch screens, or clocks without integrating or linking to the path’spath’s origin.

With the auto-layout function, teams will automatically re-size different interface design elements, such as buttons or lists, using padding, orientation, and room settings.

Figma Mobile App helps users create designs through several interactions, such as hover, touch, push the mouse, and use GIFs to incorporate video elements or animations. It also allows teams to update templates, monitor changes concurrently, add comments, discovers newly uploaded data, and exchange design ties with members.

Figma Mobile App provides collaboration with various third-party apps like Labyrinth, Zeplin, Trello, Flinto, Slack, Dropbox, and Jira. Designers can maintain a repository of shareable items, such as logos, backgrounds, images, and fonts, and gain exposure by analytics for asset use.

The platform also helps coordinators submit invitations to remote partners for brainstorming sessions and collect, categorize, and prioritize project concepts.

Figma Mobile App: Reviews from experts.

Down there, I will show you some of the reviews of the Figma mobile app from experts who liked or disliked the app. Let us let’s get right into it.

  • The first review is for a user who has used the app daily for a year. Let’s see…

“I am astounded by Figmas’Figmas’ success and ease of use. The auto-layout functionality is ultra-fast relative to Sketch and much more flexible.

This, combined with a comprehensive API, makes Figma a fantastic platform for quickly creating MVPs and producing sites (and even apps) directly from Figma. “”

  • I’m on the Finance Efficiency Solutions UX team. We work on challenging goods with many unique challenges to regularly address, from admin displays to analytics visualizations to adding excel-like features to web-based solutions.


Overall, Figma helps people work together and work efficiently on strict deadlines and agile teams that need to learn what we’re designing.


  • It’sIt’s fantastic. Figma Mobile App sped up certain aspects of our design process and encouraged non-designers to contribute constructive input more quickly to the design process.

It also allows team members to quickly build graphics for items that don’tdon’t need a lot of production supervision (e.g., social media visuals). It gives a lot more power than Canva, at a lower price.

Pros and Cons of the App.

  • Figma Mobile App is easy to read and is accessible on every device due to its web-based capabilities. Versioning comes in handy, as well as blogging, uploading, and reasonably user-friendly prototyping functionality.
  • Figma is inexpensive, but it is flexible. You will have a reliable UX team using it. It’sIt’s an easy-to-use wireframing and prototyping powerhouse.
  • Cross-platform support: You can use Figma on your Mac, Desktop, Linux, or even your browser.
  • Cloud service. Any change you create is modified immediately, and any person on the team can see the changes you make in real-time.
  • Cons
  • It’sIt’s not battery-efficient on the Mac relative to alternatives, and it doesn’tdoesn’t fit well on the browser.
  • It’sIt’s still not very convenient to use.
  • Shortcuts and plugins are a little bit of a burden. You couldn’tcouldn’t remap shortcuts at this stage, and plugins can be enabled and used, but there’s no way of “hiding them” or “deactivating” when not used and the menu list gets too big.


Is the App worth it?

As you can see from the reviews, the app is great but as you can also see in the cons, it’s not very easy to use and have some issues, but after all, it’s a pretty cool app to use.