Google Developer Page Speed – Why it is the Best


Google developer page speedGoogle developer is continuously working on the advanced tool page speed to make it more enhanced and user experience. PageSpeed gives you the speed score, optimization score and tips to analyze and optimize your website.


Why Should Developers Use PageSpeed Insights?

There are other tools out there to measure website performance. So, why are google developer page speed Insights so crucial for developers?


It Increases Page Load Speed.

  • This one should be self-evident, but the advantage of a responsive loading page can’t be emphasized. Users are becoming less patient gradually every year and require pages to load in seconds. If it doesn’t, they’ll quickly sway on to the next result.


Google makes it.

  • Google is the jurisdiction when it comes to online search. When you’re trying to meet the requirements, it only makes sense to use recommendations directly from the source.


It’s Free.

  • Why pay for other tools when Google’s offering is free?


It Helps Developers Recognize And Eliminates Bad Habits.

  • When it comes to development and coding, we all have some bad habits. Seeing the same recommended changes across all the multiple sites will point out those areas where we tend to make usually the same mistakes.


It Saves Time.

  • If you have a page with leading bounce rates or slow load nowadays, it only takes a few seconds to insert the URL and get results.


It Offers Independent Verification.

  • Though the recommendations from the Google developer page speed Insights tool aren’t expected to be useful to the majority of website owners, you can practice the score provided to offer independent verification to your clients and potential customers that the sites you build are developed to Google’s favoured standards and page load times.


Google Developer Page speed: Tools

Google developer Page speed has mainly two tools that will help you a lot while speeding up and explore your website.


  1. Analyze with google developer page speed insights
  2. Speed up with the page speed modules


Analyze with google developer page speed Insights:- You can analyze it withPSI that provides both lab and field data about your page. However, it may not capture real-world bottlenecks. Field data helps capture real, real-world user experience – but has a more limited set of metrics. Some of the field data are:-


  • Performance Score
  • PSI produces a score which shortens the page’s performance. This score is managed by running Lighthouse to collect and analyze lab data about the page. A score of 90 or above is recognized acceptable. 50 to 90 is a score that requires correction, and below 50 is deemed to below.


  • Real-world field data
  • While PSI is given a URL, it will mark it up in the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) dataset. If ready, PSI reports the First Contentful Paint (FCP), the First Input Delay (FID), the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), and the Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) metric data for the source and possibly the particular page URL. PSI also classifies field data into 3 types; defining experiences deemed satisfactory, needs improvement, or inadequate.


  • Distribution and selected metric values
  • PSI performs distribution of these metrics so that developers can understand the scale of FCP, FID, LCP, and CLS marks for that page or source. Here distribution is also divided into three categories: Good, Needs change, and Poor indicated with green, orange, and red bars. PSI states the 75th percentile for all metrics. These field metric grades are listed as suitable/needs improvement/low by affixing the same thresholds.


Speed up with the page speed modules:- The modules are open-source server modules that will optimize your site automatically. For this, you have to install a web server like Apache or Nginx.


What is the excellent score for lab data?

Any green score (90+) is considered excellent.

Why do field data and lab data sometimes contradict each other?

It is a historical report about how a specific URL has performed and represents anonymized performance data from the users in the real-world on any kind of devices and network conditions. The lab data is based on a simulated part of a page on a single device and a fixed set of network provisions. As a result, the values may differ.