How to Easily Launch Your Website and Start Generating Revenue in Record Time


If you’re new to internet marketing and will establish your first official website, the following knowledge regarding “web hosting” is crucial.

What you’re about to find out

what to look for in a good web server and how to prevent bad ones
when switching to “reseller hosting,” how to host numerous sites on one account, etc.
I believe cPanel is the most excellent hosting control panel for online businesses.
How and why a blogging platform could be the best approach to begin, and how to choose one
I had no idea what I was doing; my initial website reflected that. I made several mistakes along the way but managed to pick up some helpful information. I’ve come a long way as a webmaster over the past few years. Hosting and web mastering are tools, not an end in themselves, for me. As a marketer, controlling my web hosting gives me the freedom to experiment with new strategies and react quickly to shifts in the industry. Since I don’t have to pay somebody to maintain my websites, I also save a ton of cash. You will be in the same position as me when you administer your websites.

It used to be much more challenging to act as one’s own “webmaster” than it is today. Creating and maintaining a website, from start to finish, is now a lot simpler. You can learn to make stunning websites in little time at all if you are patient. Within that time frame, you may develop the concept for a new site and have it live and generate visitors. Not even close,

If you’re starting, control panels are crucial.

Web hosting is one of the things I don’t understand at all. When I initially started, I did so on a Plesk host. I still have zero interest in working with Plesk. It was pretty perplexing to me.

C-Panel hosting made everything much more straightforward, and I’m grateful for it. Since I’ve started using it, C-panel has also gotten better. Now it comes with built-in tutorials to guide you along the way. At the end of this tutorial, I’ll suggest the C-Panel host that I use and propose it to you. Using non-c-panel hosting can help you save money, but it’s not a recommendation of mine. By going with a C-panel host, you’ll be using a platform widely regarded as the gold standard in online advertising.

Simple Web Hosting

The term “launching a website” can have a variety of connotations. A multimillion-dollar budget and a team of developers, writers, strategists, and coders (plus management types who will pee on the project to mark their territory) are what you can expect to work within a multibillion-dollar company.

However, “Joe Average, who wants to make some money on the internet,” can get online for the price of a night out with friends (about $20).

If you’re just getting started on the web, hosting a single website or blog is perfectly OK. A decent package for a single website may cost less than $10 monthly.

Having your dedicated server is usually overkill. Shared hosting is a good option because of its low cost and high efficiency unless your site has high bandwidth needs. You may progress from shared hosting to reseller hosting and, finally, dedicated hosting as your demands evolve. Dedicated hosting and private servers are beyond the scope of this article; if you think you need one for your websites, you should learn more about them.

Hosted Multi-Site

It’s possible to run many websites on most hosting plans, but it can seem awkward when using a shared server. Each site essentially needs to be set up as a subdomain. Thus, you’d have things like “site1/” and “site2/,” and so on. This alternative works, too:

A URL like “” effectively turns your website into a subdirectory of your TLD.

I extensively use domain subfolders, designating one for each of my sites’ products. Although it’s not always a terrible idea, having multiple sites in the same folder or subdomain can make administration more difficult.

You’ll gain many unique domain names or URLs as your empire grows. You can afford to have several, as each only costs around $10 per year, and there are benefits to owning multiples, which I’ll get into below.

Is Reseller Hosting Right For You?

A “reseller” account is the next level up from shared hosting. It gets its name because you may provide each of your customers their administrative dashboard and resell hosting space to anybody you like. Selling hosting space to others is an excellent method to generate revenue or offset expenses, but if you don’t want to get into the webmaster and support industry (which isn’t necessarily bad but could divert your attention from a business you’d prefer), be picky about who you sell to.

If you want to make some extra money by selling hosting space, look for clients who don’t want much in the way of help but require a stable website. As the customer’s value is in the support, you can charge a premium for the hosting/support package.

If you offer web design or consulting services, you may wish to bundle hosting with your other offerings to attract more customers. Customers who know they’ll have to deal with switching hosting providers if they cancel their service with you are more likely to stay with you. Using “hooks” like this is good business practice because it encourages repeat customer purchases.

Advantages of Using Reseller Hosting

Many people that provide reseller hosting do not resell any of the space they utilize for their sites.

Reseller hosting is advantageous since it dramatically streamlines the management of several sites. With reseller hosting, you may make as many hosting accounts as you like so that you can set up a unique one for each domain.

The first advantage is that it simplifies site administration by reducing the files required for each hosting plan.

You likely already know that your time is your most valuable asset when starting an online business. Many things compete for your attention and time. Your working practices may be time-inefficient, slowing your productivity even if you are disciplined enough to avoid apparent time-wasters like watching many YouTube videos of silly pet antics.

The ability to separate sites into their control panels is the primary reason I suggest reseller hosting for serious online businesses.

You know the frustration of spending an hour searching your hard drive for a lost file if you’ve ever done it. A dedicated control panel for each domain is a time-saving practice, similar to a well-organized hard drive.

As you gain experience in web mastering, you will become aware of more perks. Some PHP “scripts,” or programs, run on a hosting account, and they can conflict with one another if they are on the same control panel.

For several reasons (including how simple they are to maintain), blogs are an excellent option for a first website.

I had no idea what a blog was when I first started. My initial attempts at building websites were awful, simple HTML affairs. Hideous, not to mention time-consuming.

WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used website creation platforms. WordPress’s simplicity of use is surprising, given its power and adaptability.

You can set up a WordPress site in no more than two minutes using Fantastico, a tool included with most C-panel hosting. Since WordPress has an auto-upgrade capability, you can install it from your C-panel using Fantastico and then log in as an administrator and click the upgrade link to upgrade to the most recent version of WordPress. WordPress 3.0.1 is the current stable release; version 3.0 was a significant milestone in the platform’s development, marking the beginning of its maturity; this is one reason why I went from being suspicious of WordPress to advocating it wholeheartedly.

WordPress is powerful, adaptable, and user-friendly. Although it may not be the best fit for your site, WordPress is a robust platform with a large user base and plenty of resources to help you out as you expand.

Improving Your Site’s Essential Capabilities

Blogging software based on the WordPress core script. You can extend its functionality to do a wide range of new tricks by installing additional components (called “plugins”). On the WordPress site where I experiment most, I have installed around 20 plugins after testing 40 or 60 and researching dozens more. I’ll detail every plugin you should use in upcoming pieces and explain why.

Meanwhile, if you’re ready to launch your WordPress site, you’ll require web hosting and a unique domain name. Registrars for domain names are all about the same (I use GoDaddy), but HostGator is the best hosting service. I’ve been using them for years, and I can attest that not only are the features top-notch, but so are the customer service and the overall value.

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Read also: Keep Your Eyes Open When Choosing An SEO Company.