How to Make Your First $5 in Affiliate Marketing


Internet marketing is intriguing for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that even those with limited financial resources have the potential to profit from it. If you’re looking for a simple way to start making money online, but aren’t sure where to begin, consider affiliate marketing.

I realize that this is easier said than done. You’ll have to invest a lot of time in getting your firm off the ground if you can’t afford to make any financial investments. It is possible, though.

Here’s how to get into affiliate marketing and open an online storefront with (at least) five dollars in startup capital. Numerous marketers have tested this, and it has been shown to be effective.

The primary costs you should expect to incur are for the following:

Web Hosting Service
A web-based autoresponder service (I use AWeber)
And here’s what you can get free of charge:

An HTML editor (I recommend the open-source option NVU)
Website landing page layouts
A File Transfer Protocol client (to put your websites “live”)
All right, those are the last of the necessities. You can put the puzzle together like this:

You should start by identifying a specific market to enter.

One option is to check out Clickbank to see what products are selling well. Make sure there is demand for the goods you sell on Clickbank by researching it on the famous shopping website Amazon.

Following identifying a niche, a search for relevant forums should be conducted. Find out the issues that are plaguing people nowadays. Search again for a solution to a problem you’ve identified. If you know the proper steps to take, this is not hard at all. This is essentially how it works; of course, some shortcuts greatly simplify everything, but this is the gist of it.

You must now create a landing page or squeeze page. Getting a “.info” domain from GoDaddy will do the trick, and it only costs about $0.89. Hosting is also required, and luckily HostGator offers excellent pricing. You can obtain a penny for your first month of hosting if you look for a discount code. If you’re using Firefox (a free web browser), you can get the FireFTP FTP Add-On for free, precisely what you need.

Searching for “free squeeze page templates” will yield several results, many of which will be free squeeze page templates used successfully by other online marketers. Select one, save it to your computer, then use the NVU free HTML editor to make the changes you want to your squeeze page.

This is the pivotal section where everything makes sense:

So far, it would be best if you had accomplished the following:

A specific market to target, a problem inside that market that you’ve solved, website hosting, an FTP client, and a squeeze page editor
To entice people to sign up for your list and provide their email addresses in exchange for the solution, you must modify the text on the squeeze page template in NVU. You may achieve this with the help of an autoresponder form (also known as a lead capture form), which you can receive with a $1 trial of the Aweber autoresponder. Your opt-in form should be installed on the squeeze page, where the design template directs you to place it.

Put your website up on your domain name using an FTP client… Then BOOM! You now have an opt-in lead generation machine that can rapidly expand your mailing list and generate revenue. How much did it set you back? After doing the math, I estimate that the total cost to you will be only $1.89. A cup of coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts costs more than that!

It can be a little complicated if you’ve never done any of these things before. The good news is that I show you, step by step, in video tutorials, how to turn the information I just gave you into cash. Plus, I’m here to assist you with the series in any way possible.

Click here to visit the 5 Figure Affiliate [] to learn more about the series and to have immediate access to it. Eventually, get the support you need to launch your internet business and earn money.

Read also: Keep Your Eyes Open When Choosing An SEO Company.