I Need Help Right Now to Make My Computer Faster


If you’re anything like me, the speed of your computer has decreased since the day you first turned it on. What are your options? In what ways can I restore my computer’s peak performance and speed? It’s pretty elementary.

There are a variety of causes for a computer to slow down. Over time, you may install and uninstall trial software and programs that launch automatically when your PC boots up. These items can be found in the Windows starting folder.

Computers can be made faster by removing unnecessary startup programs. To have the program available whenever you need it, some programs, like a modem or Bluetooth, install themselves in the startup folder and run in the background whenever you turn on your computer. The running programs are consuming the memory of the computer. There won’t be enough RAM to run your browser or photo editor, for example, if you have many other programs loaded at boot time. This causes the computer to pause while it waits for the necessary RAM to load the desired program. Therefore, the computer slows down.

However, many programs can be safely skipped during the initial boot process. To eliminate this vexing issue, navigate to Windows’ startup folder and disable any unnecessary applications. A shortcut to the program is created and added to the Windows Vista starting folder. If you don’t want the software to launch automatically, only remove its shortcut from the startup folder. Select the Windows icon (bottom left) to access the startup folder and click All Programs. Right-click on the unwanted item and select “Delete” to remove it.

You should also defragment your hard disk every once in a while. Windows includes a tool for this purpose in its System Tools folder, which may be accessed via the Accessories menu item. This will declutter your hard disk and organize its contents so Windows can read them quickly and efficiently. After you close a program and save its data in Windows, the data is written to your hard drive one file at a time, without any attempt to keep it in order. A program’s data will be written disorganizedly throughout the hard disk if you use it one day, then another program the next, and then the first application again a few days later. Defragmenting will put the bits back where they belong, making it easier for the hard drive to discover what it needs.

Last but not least, make sure your Windows registry is always clean. The Windows registry is the central database of your machine. To boot up and utilize your computer, you’ll need to adjust several stored settings. Some remnants of an application may remain on your computer even when utilizing the uninstall function. Typically, it will leave a fragment of a file made in the Windows registry. In addition to defragmenting the Windows registry, a decent registry cleaner can delete unused portions of the program’s file. Defragmenting the registry organizes the system’s data files, making it easier for the OS to locate the specific file it needs during a search. It’ll speed up considerably with this change.

There are a lot of excellent Windows tools that are specifically designed to accomplish this. Windows Registry Cleaner software is available for a low price and has been shown to speed up a computer significantly. This is the only other utility you’ll need to keep your PC running smoothly. Oddly, Microsoft’s Windows doesn’t ship with automatic registry cleanup. There is also a manual option for accessing the registry; however, tampering with the Windows registry without proper knowledge is not recommended. Furthermore, many of the best registry cleaner programs also include a hard disk defragment application, allowing you to perform all necessary tasks without leaving the registry cleaner program.

Over the years, I’ve learned that doing these three things instantly increases my computer’s speed. They are, once again, defragmenting my hard drive, removing unused apps from Windows’ starting folder, and cleaning out my registry. This is something I do regularly, around once a month. It is possible to schedule the execution of any program; for example, my Windows registry cleaning is scheduled to launch automatically at night once a month after I have finished using my computer.

You should try this out for yourself because the boost in speed will blow your mind.

Visit Best Rated Registry Cleaner to find out which apps are the best and how to utilize them.

Read also: A Comprehensive Guide To The Health Screener.