The way to Fix a Fortnite Drive: Error 0xc00007b or UE4-FortniteGame


0xC00007B errors are caused by Microsoft windows not having access to an expected dependency to run an application.

Often the error is indicative of either a system error or any other problem with the data files in Windows.

Regarding Fortnite and how the system may demonstrate error when you attempt to fill up the game, the answer is to ensure that you have the required dependencies correctly mounted – and accessible: on your system.

Whilst this is undoubted quite a complex process, the reality is that its typical trouble for Windows to suffer from habit issues; the solution is to assure everything is working with the action.


As mentioned, the 0xC00007B error indicates that your process needs a particular file for an application but doesn’t have the item.

The error is not distinct from Fortnite; it can indicate a variety of applications and is a new Windows error.

It will commonly show with the following concept:

The application was unable to get started correctly (0xC00007B). Click ALL RIGHT to close the application.
The biggest problem with this error, in particular, is a lack of explanation of what exactly actually leads it to signify. Many other errors explain the file or setting that will cause the exception, but not this.

To solve the problem, you should either pinpoint it or work on a number of potential fixing in the hope that one will probably resolve it.


With many tools, the error has a large assortment of causes. However, to get the option – you need to make sure you have appropriate dependencies installed and accessible on your system.

Regarding Fortnite, the likes of DirectX, A fantasy Engine, Visual C++ and also. NET are all required to guarantee the game can run. Hence, the first port of the phone is to make sure they are correctly mounted.

To do this, you need to follow these kinds of steps:

1 . Change Fortnite Application Settings

The first step is simple – change application settings to ensure it can run correctly in House windows.

To do this, you need to be able to track down the “Binaries” for the online game, which are archived with the following steps:

Press “Windows” and up. “R” keys on your computer keyboard
Type “explorer” into the pack and press “OK”
Access to the following: C: \Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\Win64
Right-click on the top of “FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping. exe” and select “Properties.”
From the tabs at the top of often the screen, select “Compatibility.”
Towards the end of the window, check “Disable fullscreen optimisations.”
Check “Run this program as administrator.”
Press “OK”
After doing this, test rerunning the game. If your error persists (which it probably will), you must progress with the following steps.

2 . “Verify” Fortnite

If the above does not work correctly, you must “verify” the Fortnite installation.

To do this, you must load the Epic Games launcher application and often run the verification process. If you can’t available the launcher, you’ll need to miss the next step.

Browse to be able to C: \Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame (or wherever your Fortnite game is installed)
Track down the Win64\Binaries folder and up. delete it
Click as compared to desktop > simply click on the “Epic Online games Launcher” icon
When the launcher loads, click on the particular “Fortnite” tab
On the “Launch” (green) button, select the cog
From the list that shows up, select “Verify.”
This will take a moment, but it will essentially re-install the particular Fortnite executables so that the online game can function again.
After that process, restart your body and try the game again.
The likelihood is that this will not encourage the game to run correctly all over again. The problem with the game probable comes from a damaged, flawed or incompatible dependency with Windows.

3. Re-Install The action

This is quite drastic, but if you act like you have the patience to do it, instructions should ensure that the issue is settled.

To do it, you need to follow this kind of steps:

In Windows 6, click onto “Start” > “Control Panel” > “Add/Remove Programs”
Throughout Windows 10, right-click upon the “Start” button > select “Apps along with Features.”
From the list, decide on “Fortnite” and the “Epic Game titles Launcher.”
Uninstall both
Following your uninstall process completes, reactivate your system
Download a new variation of Fortnite from the Unbelievable Games website
Install it fresh new on your system
This should keep your computer able to read the numerous files the video game requires (IE, ensure that the actual error is not with the game itself but with Windows).

4. Re-Install Visual C++

The next thing is to re-install the Visible C++ redistributable packages to help Windows operate various applications.

VC++ may be known to many people, but it is quite an essential tool for several different apps. Many want it to run – and it is the case that some of their files are either dangerous, damaged or just not published correctly.

To ensure this is not the condition, you need to use the following steps to solve it:

In Windows 8, click onto “Start” > “Control Panel” > “Add / Take away Programs”
In Windows twelve, right-click “Start” > select “Apps and Features.”
After doing this, scroll to the “Visual C++ Redistributable” part
Make a note of every version cemented to your system (including the “x86/x64” architecture)
Uninstall each of them
Reactivate your PC

After the uninstallation course of action completes and your system restarts, browse the Internet and look upward “Visual C++ redistributable most recent downloads”.
Click the top hyperlink that shows (it ought to be “Microsoft”) and download the different VC++ versions you outlined before removing them.

Once you have installed the various VC++ in your local library again, restart your PC, after which, try running the game. When the fix worked, the game ought to work.

5. Re-Install Not real Engine

After re-installing VC++, you will need to try with Not real Engine.

Unreal Engine may be the tool that powered the actual Fortnite game and originated by Epic Games.

Sometimes, the engine may become harmful or damaged, leading to issues like the one you’re experiencing.

To eliminate this, you can re-install the engine typically:

Browse to “C: /Program Files/Unreal Engine”
Simply click “Uninst. exe”
Follow the measures to uninstall the serp
Once complete, go to the World wide web and search for “Unreal Serp Download.”
Click the first url and save the executable to your system
Run typically the executable files which are ended up saving
Try running Fortnite yet again – after installation tidies up

6. Use a Dependency Jogger

If you’re still seeing typically the error, it’s worth mentioning a tool that many people will not likely consider – Dependency Master.

Dependency Walker shows the “dependencies” an application uses — and thus which files it takes to run.

If your system doesn’t have the appropriate file, it will appear red inside this particular application.

If you’re able to run this method properly, it should point out that files are missing from the system – allowing you to re-install the necessary packages to get this working again:

Click on your preferred search engine and look for “Dependency Walker download.”
You should look for a page that highlights “depends. exe”
From here, download the actual version compatible with your system
Operate it and select the Fortnite executable file (it’s the actual “FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping. exe” file through Step 1)
Identify some of the files which may be missing
If you discover any files it describes, you will need to look online for which bundle they are a part of, and re-install said package.
After accomplishing this, you will need to test the game in case it *still* doesn’t work; the idea generally means that you sometimes have a problem with Windows itself rapid or some other library suggestions package.

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