How to Lose Weight by Choosing the Right Foods


It’s not hard to find weight loss-friendly foods, but there are certain fundamentals to learn and some common myths to dispel first.

At the outset, don’t assume that just because a product claims to be “low fat,” “low calorie,” or “diet,” that it is.

More and more evidence suggests we require some dietary fat to function optimally. Some low-calorie items replace sugar with artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which may be even more harmful to your health than regular sugar. Diet versions of soda, candy, cookies, and other sweets are considered “foods” here.

Watch Out for Imitations

It would be best if you also were wary of “substitute” foods designed to mimic the flavor of a more calorically dense option. One common misconception is that margarine is healthier than butter when there is no comparison. Margarine is high in trans fats, which are incredibly unhealthy. Heart disease in the West had increased dramatically since the middle of the twentieth century when margarine began to replace butter in cooking.

Thankfully, the idea that butter and other dairy products are unhealthy because they contain saturated fats is becoming outdated. Hormones and antibiotics given to animals in factory farms are possibly the worst aspects of modern dairy products. However, you can avoid this by opting for all-natural or organic dairy products rather than “fake” ones.

Soy’s Drawbacks

Soy is another “healthy” alternative used in place of animal products. The packaged foods sold at health food stores tend to have a lot of soy. This food category includes vegetable burgers, tofu hot dogs, soy milk, soy pizza, and soy “ice cream.”

Recent studies have indicated that consuming significant amounts of soy is detrimental in this regard as well. One main reason is that soy contains many phytic acids, preventing the body from absorbing protein and other nutrients adequately.

Many health issues, including some forms of cancer, have been related to the consumption of soy products. The vast majority of soy has also been transformed genetically. Do further reading up on the risks associated with soy if you’re interested in learning more.

Fermented soy products like miso and tempeh are beneficial because the phytic acid in soy is neutralized during fermentation. However, soy nuts, most soy milk, and tofu are not fermented, despite their soy content.

Fresh Fruit vs. Bottled Juice

Let’s take on another customer favorite, the fruit drinks that typically take up a whole aisle in health food stores while we’re at it. While fresh fruit is packed with nutrients, most fruit drinks fall short. This is because the sugar content of juices is significantly higher than other beverages. You would have to consume much more fruit than is practical in one sitting to acquire the same nutritional value as one serving of juice.

Does that mean you may binge on butter, cheese, and meat and forget about “health foods”? In a word, no. Natural saturated fat is healthy in moderation, but cutting back on it is necessary if you’re watching your weight. The goal here is to dissuade you from the false belief that eating the widely available replacements for these items is harmless.

Focus less on protein and more on veggies and whole grains if you’re trying to eat better and cut back on calories. This isn’t very novel advice, but it’s also something many struggles with.

We all get hungry, but we’re not often yearning for something healthy like an apple, sunflower seeds, carrots, or broccoli. We choose these items as starters, sides, and snacks since we know their health benefits.

Changing to a healthy diet that aids in weight reduction might be challenging, but it’s best accomplished by eating more of the items you already know to be beneficial. This must be done both before and during the actual preparation of meals (whether at home, in a restaurant, or for takeout). That is to say; after selecting the salad, vegetables, and whole grains, you should only consider the protein, starchy carbohydrates, and dessert.

Despite appearances, organizing a dinner around a salad or serving of veggies is possible. Filling up on a salad, vegetable soup, or fresh veggies first can help you eat less of the things you want later. The great thing about this method is that you won’t have to consciously restrict your intake of unhealthy foods; instead, you’ll naturally consume less due to a decreased appetite.

If you do this regularly, you will notice that your preferences shift over time. Not necessarily; cravings for your favorite unhealthy foods, such as fried chicken, pizza, ice cream, etc., may persist. However, you won’t experience the same urge to indulge daily, and you’ll likely find that lesser portions of these pleasures satisfy you just as well.

Now that we’ve established some ground rules let’s review them.

Don’t eat margarine, diet soda, tofu, or anything else that sounds “fake” ***

Consume modest amounts of natural, organic saturated fats.

Stick to whole fruits and cut back on fruit juice.

When grocery shopping and preparing meals, prioritize fresh produce, fruit, and whole grains.

You’ll have less room for less healthful foods when you give them higher priority. ***

Remember that these are suggestions to help you eat better, but no one is without flaws. What counts is not what you do infrequently but consistently over time. So, remember such guidelines if you’re looking for weight-loss-friendly foods.

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