The Link Between Trauma and Alcohol Addiction – Addressing Past Wounds in Rehab


Whether it was something that happened to you as a child or an experience you endured as an adult, trauma changes you. It shapes your identity, beliefs, and value systems and impacts your long-term behaviors. Unsurprisingly, it also affects your ability to cope with life’s challenges, mainly when those challenges are emotional or psychological. That’s why it is so important to seek help in a rehabilitation facility to get the support and treatment you need to heal from past wounds. Find out the best info about Trauma and Alcohol Addiction.

A traumatic event can leave you feeling overwhelmed, scared, humiliated, or powerless, such as natural disasters, accidents, medical procedures, or acts of violence or abuse. It’s a highly individualized experience that can leave you with various long-term mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Studies show a clear link between trauma and addiction. Many people who have survived traumatic experiences or have PTSD develop alcohol addiction. Addiction can be a way to self-medicate and ease the symptoms of these conditions, but it’s not a permanent solution. It only compounds the problem and can lead to further relapses.

Trauma can trigger the use of alcohol in those who have it, often resulting in binge drinking. These episodes of drinking can exacerbate the symptoms of anxiety and depression and can cause individuals to feel out of control. In addition, a person’s sense of self may be undermined when they drink to the point where they lose their ability to function normally.

Although a traumatic experience does not guarantee someone will develop an addiction, it increases their risk. According to one study, 25% and 40% of PTSD survivors will develop a substance abuse disorder. This is because people who have gone through trauma tend to be more vulnerable to mood disorders and impulsivity, which are the driving forces of drug and alcohol addiction.

Those who have suffered from a traumatic past and have developed an alcohol addiction can receive the care they need in a rehabilitation center. They can undergo detox in a safe environment and work to address the underlying issues contributing to their drinking behavior. This will likely involve therapy that is trauma-informed. This type of therapy is designed to be used with other treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This will allow the person to learn new coping strategies and healthily address traumatic memories. They will also be able to learn more about how to manage their symptoms and prevent relapse. It is essential for those struggling with a trauma-related substance use disorder to receive this level of care. Otherwise, they will be caught up in a vicious and self-perpetuating cycle of pain and chaos that must be broken to recover.

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